Sunday, November 24, 2019


It will officially be released next week. Please read what that entails, what to do from your side, and why this change has been made in the blog post PHP 5. This message will inform purchasers that there might be an additional fee for this payment method. It was officially released on April 26th There is a possibility to use variables with arguments in translations. oxid eshop professional edition

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OXID eShop v4.8.11 and v4.10 beta published, v4.9.8 postponed

This information might be useful before updating, installing modules or on diagnostics. It will also be the last series of this kind as from series 6 on, when we will strictly turn to semantic versioning more infos to come later.

Also, we will not provide update packages from older versions to this beta version nor update packages from the beta version to stable or newer versions. To Currency parameter should be passed hole currency object. It will officially be released next week.

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. OXID eShop version 4.

oxid eshop professional edition

Also, the language keys used in this module have been extracted from the shop language files and put into the correct language files for this module. Please find the release notes here: Price formater is a smarty plugin capable easily switch the display of the currency sign to front of the value without the need to change all affected templates.

During the bug fixthe new config option sShopLogo was introduced for defining a custom logo image file.

Your email professipnal will not be published. It was officially released on April 26th The beta phase will last for about two months, the stable version will most likely be published in June During the beta phase, please feel free to play around with it and to report or fix any bug you find.

It is possible to display a message in the fourth checkout step. To use them, you need to know how sprintf or vsprintf methods work and pass the parameters accordingly. You will find this script here: Duplicates were removed where possible, some translations were changed, and keys got some of their spelling fixed. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Please read what that entails, what to do from your side, and why this change has been made in the blog post PHP 5.

Please expect source ediion marked as deprecated in this version as well as the responsive Flow theme beta packaged with this version. Version and consistency checker collects names of php files and templates, detects their MD5 checksum, connects for each file to an OXID oxchkversion webservice and determines if it fits this shop version.

Define your own logo in config. The heavy usage of maps cluttered the system and it became hard to track all the changes and translation usages. This patch release contains just bug fixes, no template changes. The bug tracker change log say that there was just a bug fixed but the GitHub changelog reveals some more interesting changes, such as cgi-bin before webscr PayPal API change.

Please find the edktion notes here, at least finished as from the release date: Template changes have been done in this minor update. For more details about these extensions please see http: If you continue browsing this site, you agree to the use of cookies.

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There is a possibility to use variables with professionaal in translations. We prepared a script that might be helpful for you to update your templates by the language changes.

Please find a list of fixed bugs for this and all intermediate releases beta, RC, RC2 here in changelog:. Feel free to contribute!

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